Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life as we know it

Well, we still have not had a totally sleepless night which is very good, however, we are getting closer and closer to having one. Callie has her days and nights mixed up and I am trying very hard to get her to straighten them out. The problem is that my child can sleep through anything. This is thanks to her sister who runs through the room screaming at the top of her lungs as Callie is taking an afternoon nap. We have decided it is pointless to try to keep things quiet. Speaking of my two year old, she is going through a stage right now (at least I hope it is a stage). She had all of her toys taken away yesterday (well, alot of her toys) and still wouldn't listen. Not only is she not potty training but she refuses to have her pull up changed. We are trying bribery right now just to get her not to throw a fit. Jason has been at the state evangelism conference this week so I have given Emily a bath and put her to bed by myself with Callie in tow. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be. Callie, of course, did not cooperate and sleep like she was supposed to, she woke up about the time I was to give Emily a bath. However, that meant I rocked both girls at the same time and that was very sweet. My oldest tries so hard to help and be really sweet to her little sister, sometimes she gets a little overzealous, but she is so sweet. I thank God for both of them everyday.

1 comment:

thePiks said...

I'm quite impressed that you found a moment to sit down and write this post. If it's anything like at my house, it actually took 1.5 hours to write one paragraph with all the "Mommy Mommy!" distractions. Good thing they're so precious!