Wednesday, December 19, 2007

God's Timing

Sometimes I don't understand Him and sometimes I question Him, but above all, I know I just need to trust Him. Jason and I decided to put a "For Sale" sign in front of our house about a month and a half ago. We never got any serious offers but we also never put it in the paper or anything either. We were going to take the sign down this past Sunday but then something amazing happened. We were all ready to stay here but then on Thursday night I received a phone call from a lady who wanted to see our house. I was not able to talk to her until Friday. She came over and looked at the house and loved it. She then had her husband come over and look at it and they both loved it. I was crushed! We had started doing some painting and had just resigned ourself to the fact that we were staying here. We were just waiting to see if Jason got a raise on Sunday night. I didn't know why all of this was happening right before the vote. Well, we prayed about it, sought wise counsel, and decided that we would go until God told us no. We are currently under contract on the house. The really cool thing is that there is a couple in our church who have a rent house that came open two weeks ago. God's timing is perfect. If, for whatever reason, this does not work out, I still know that God is in control.

Amanda tagged me so I have to tell five random facts about myself.

My five random facts (I spent alot of time thinking about these):

1. I do not like either bread or water (I do eat and drink them occasionally). I would never survive prison.

2. My favorite holiday (at least decoration wise) is Independence Day.

3. My favorite movie is "The Sound of Music."

4. My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

5. I am half-Italian. My mom is full-blooded Italian.

I now tag Sheree, Jason, and Stephanie.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm 2007

Alright, I don't know who all reads this but for those of you who are wondering, we are good. I know that Oklahoma has been all over the news recently because of the ice storm. We never lost power and we don't have any more ice here in Purcell. However, just 15 minutes up the road is Norman, which was very hard hit. There are still alot of people in the Oklahoma City area and the Tulsa area who do not have power. Please pray for them because we have snow coming this weekend. Emily noticed today that we didn't have leaves on our tree and I told her it was because it was fall. That reminded me that it is not even winter yet and we are dealing with this cold weather! I was not made for this. Being from Louisiana, I do not care for cold weather. I told Jason that I think God is calling us to live somewhere below I-10. He said that reduces our choices down to Florida. My response? That sounds good to me!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Getting Ready for Baby

Well, Emily is officially growing up. She has moved into her new room and into her new bed. It is a toddler bed and is so cute. She loves it! She "sleeps" in it all day long. Her thing right now is spending the whole day in her night-night clothes so that she can rest whenever she wants. Jason got her toys and books moved in today so her room is starting to come together. We are also getting ready to go through all of Emily's old stuff and pick out things for the baby. Emily is so excited!

I do have to tell one cute story. On Sunday she learned about Mary and the angel telling her that she had good news, that Mary was going to have a baby and his name would be Jesus. We have a stuffed nativity set that Emily plays with and so after telling me about what she learned in Bible school, she acted it out. She had Mary and the Angel and then she had the Angel tell Mary, "I have good news. You will have baby Jesus." She then put baby Jesus underneath Mary's shirt so that she was pregnant with him. This was one time I wish I had the video camera right there.

It is amazing how much they pick up on and understand at such a young age. I think with my belly being as big as it is, she is able to comprehend that Jesus was born to Mary and that He was special. I pray that we never forget that.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh, the Irony!

Okay, it has been a while since I posted anything, but I decided I couldn't pass on this one. As most people know now, LSU has made it into the National Championship game. (If you didn't know or don't care, I will pray for you.) So, anyway, I was REALLY excited about this. However, last time we went to the doctor, we scheduled to have the baby induced. The funny thing is, the baby will be induced on January 7th. Unless she comes before then on her own, that will be her birthday. What makes this really funny is that LSU will play for the national title on, you guessed it, January 7th. I think God does things sometimes to remind us of what truly matters in life and so if I don't see it, I guess I will just have to settle for the highlights.