Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life with two

Well, I have officially started taking care of the girls by myself on a regular basis. Last week I had Amanda here and she was such a wonderful help. It is great to have a friend like that who is willing to do some of the things I had either not thought about or couldn't physically do by myself. So far things are going pretty good. No injuries (that is always a good thing.) No major fits (even though we have had a few minor ones.) No sleepless nights (I have had some sleep every night since Callie came home.) However, our house is constantly a mess, my two year old wears night-night clothes almost the whole day, we have watched more tv than normal, and mommy has adjusted shower time to nights instead of mornings. Emily is adjusting very well and I think some of what she is going through now relates more to being two than it does to having a little sister. She loves her little sister and always wants to give her hugs and kisses. Overall,
i couldn't ask for things to go better.


Amanda said...

I'm so glad I got to come and help out. Let me know when you have one of those days when you call Jason and say, "WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME???" I was just rocking Spence tonight and was sad at the thought that he won't be a baby much longer. Enjoy it while she's so small!

sheree said...

I am glad things are going well. Wish we were closer. Sleep every night? PRAISE THE LORD! Sounds like you are enjoying these days more than I did. But, Amanda is right - it is a little bittersweet. Riley will be two on Feb. 18. My baby, a toddler. Yikes. But, she can pretty much feed herself, and is trying to potty train already. Life is becoming a tad easier. Love you, take care.