Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trying times

Well, today so far has been pretty good. Lately though, Emily seems to be getting more testy. I don't know if it is due to my expanding tummy or her being two. It is probably a combination of both. We (as in she) has decided not to use the potty anymore. She has also decided the best time to play is the middle of the night. She does not take naps but she does have a rest time. Some may wonder why she doesn't take naps but rest-assured, she gets enough sleep. I try really hard to give her a nap and end up regretting it at about 10:00 at night when she is out of her bed for the two-hundredth time. She is very cute though. Lately, her thing has been that she wants her own of everything. She has told me about ten times today that when it turns colder, she is going to ask Santa for her own oven and knife (she wants to cut things). She has also impressed the ladies at the library. We try to go every week and so she gets new books every week. There is a beanbag that she loves to sit on and "read" her books. More often than not, she doesn't want me to read them to her until we get home. She does this at the library for about 20-30 minutes. The ladies will just keep peeking over at her and think it is the cutest thing. I read my Bible in front of her and as I am reading, she will inform me that she needs to get her Bible. Then, she sits next to me and "reads" her Bible. To me, this is one of the most precious moments I have with her. She is so smart. She must take after me!

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