Monday, May 5, 2008

Two Are Better Than One

When Jason and I first launched into the world of blogging, we both knew it would be a challenge.  Now that we have two children it has become an even greater challenge for the both of us to add content to our blogs.  In an effort to keep everyone updated on our family, we have decided to combine our blogs into one family blog.  We all know that two heads are better than one and hopefully for us two bloggers are better than one blogger.  We shall see.  Here's to our family blog! (Click here.)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Since then

Well, it has been a while since I last posted.  Our lives seem to be one big roller coaster.  I am still getting used to have two children and trying to keep our home life a little sane.  Anyway, many of you know that my grandmother passed away on Valentine's Day.  It was hard for me but it was not a shock.  she was 87 years old and ready to go.  Callie is going to be seven weeks old tomorrow and it is hard for me to believe.  I guess the good thing is that we are getting closer to me getting a full nights sleep.  The sad thing is that she is growing up way too fast.  My oldest will be three in May and that makes me very sad also.  Speaking of Emily, she is so cute and loves Callie so much.  she likes to help me wash dishes and cook and clean.  Our latest thing her and I have discovered is YouTube.  We go on there and look up one of her children's songs (such as "Wheels on the Bus) and pick out one of the many videos and watch it.  The other day we watched "If you're happy and you know it"  about twenty times in a row.  She likes the one where there are other children singing.  Today was mine and Callie's first day at church.  everyone was excited to see us but nobody got to hold her because everyone here has been sick.  Emily did so well with it and I was so proud of her.  

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life as we know it

Well, we still have not had a totally sleepless night which is very good, however, we are getting closer and closer to having one. Callie has her days and nights mixed up and I am trying very hard to get her to straighten them out. The problem is that my child can sleep through anything. This is thanks to her sister who runs through the room screaming at the top of her lungs as Callie is taking an afternoon nap. We have decided it is pointless to try to keep things quiet. Speaking of my two year old, she is going through a stage right now (at least I hope it is a stage). She had all of her toys taken away yesterday (well, alot of her toys) and still wouldn't listen. Not only is she not potty training but she refuses to have her pull up changed. We are trying bribery right now just to get her not to throw a fit. Jason has been at the state evangelism conference this week so I have given Emily a bath and put her to bed by myself with Callie in tow. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be. Callie, of course, did not cooperate and sleep like she was supposed to, she woke up about the time I was to give Emily a bath. However, that meant I rocked both girls at the same time and that was very sweet. My oldest tries so hard to help and be really sweet to her little sister, sometimes she gets a little overzealous, but she is so sweet. I thank God for both of them everyday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life with two

Well, I have officially started taking care of the girls by myself on a regular basis. Last week I had Amanda here and she was such a wonderful help. It is great to have a friend like that who is willing to do some of the things I had either not thought about or couldn't physically do by myself. So far things are going pretty good. No injuries (that is always a good thing.) No major fits (even though we have had a few minor ones.) No sleepless nights (I have had some sleep every night since Callie came home.) However, our house is constantly a mess, my two year old wears night-night clothes almost the whole day, we have watched more tv than normal, and mommy has adjusted shower time to nights instead of mornings. Emily is adjusting very well and I think some of what she is going through now relates more to being two than it does to having a little sister. She loves her little sister and always wants to give her hugs and kisses. Overall,
i couldn't ask for things to go better.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome to Callie!

Well, as of January 7th, we are the proud parents of another baby girl. Her name is Callie Ann Peck. She weighed 7lbs. 2oz. and was 19 3/4 inches long. This is amazing because she was only an ounce lighter than Emily and 1/2 longer than Emily. Emily already loves her little sister, sometimes maybe a little too much! I was in the hospital from late Sunday night to Thursday, so I haven't had a chance until now to say anything about her. She is beautiful, a blessing from God! Most of the comments I am hearing are that she looks like me, but I can't tell yet. Of course, the first day Emily was born, everyone said she looked like Jason and that still holds true today. We are also getting ready to move into a different house this weekend. While this can be stressful, I guess the positive thing is that I am not expected to do anything. This will actually be very hard for me because I am a very independent person and like to do things for myself. But, in this instance, I will have to let Jason do all of the work.

Well, here is some pictures of Callie.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

God's Timing

Sometimes I don't understand Him and sometimes I question Him, but above all, I know I just need to trust Him. Jason and I decided to put a "For Sale" sign in front of our house about a month and a half ago. We never got any serious offers but we also never put it in the paper or anything either. We were going to take the sign down this past Sunday but then something amazing happened. We were all ready to stay here but then on Thursday night I received a phone call from a lady who wanted to see our house. I was not able to talk to her until Friday. She came over and looked at the house and loved it. She then had her husband come over and look at it and they both loved it. I was crushed! We had started doing some painting and had just resigned ourself to the fact that we were staying here. We were just waiting to see if Jason got a raise on Sunday night. I didn't know why all of this was happening right before the vote. Well, we prayed about it, sought wise counsel, and decided that we would go until God told us no. We are currently under contract on the house. The really cool thing is that there is a couple in our church who have a rent house that came open two weeks ago. God's timing is perfect. If, for whatever reason, this does not work out, I still know that God is in control.

Amanda tagged me so I have to tell five random facts about myself.

My five random facts (I spent alot of time thinking about these):

1. I do not like either bread or water (I do eat and drink them occasionally). I would never survive prison.

2. My favorite holiday (at least decoration wise) is Independence Day.

3. My favorite movie is "The Sound of Music."

4. My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

5. I am half-Italian. My mom is full-blooded Italian.

I now tag Sheree, Jason, and Stephanie.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm 2007

Alright, I don't know who all reads this but for those of you who are wondering, we are good. I know that Oklahoma has been all over the news recently because of the ice storm. We never lost power and we don't have any more ice here in Purcell. However, just 15 minutes up the road is Norman, which was very hard hit. There are still alot of people in the Oklahoma City area and the Tulsa area who do not have power. Please pray for them because we have snow coming this weekend. Emily noticed today that we didn't have leaves on our tree and I told her it was because it was fall. That reminded me that it is not even winter yet and we are dealing with this cold weather! I was not made for this. Being from Louisiana, I do not care for cold weather. I told Jason that I think God is calling us to live somewhere below I-10. He said that reduces our choices down to Florida. My response? That sounds good to me!